Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Trap

Well, it's almost the middle of July and according to retailers, it's time for me to start thinking about sending the kids back to school. Rudeness.  I'm all for being ready, but advertising school supplies in July is as ridiculous as setting up Christmas displays in September.  Worse, actually, because I like Christmas. 

We live in a world that is always saying "What's next?"  Normally that doesn't bother me because it's just life.  I have 4 kids. I've been living a "what's next?" kind of life probably since my second child was born.  There is always so much to do and never enough time to get it done. If you are sitting in front of the computer blogging...ahem, then you are not folding laundry or doing any of the things that are constantly in need of doing.  But sometimes you just have to do what you want to do instead.  Sometimes you have to take a moment to do something that is seemingly unimportant or unnecessary or even time-wasting.  We adults, especially parents, especially mothers, don't ever take enough time to do things we enjoy.  At least, I don't.

What's worse than not taking time to do things that you enjoy is getting lost in the mayhem of family life and not doing the things you know you ought to do. Like praying. Like spending time quietly with God.  I don't know about you, but I know that when this happens, I've gotten caught in the trap (AGAIN) of thinking "If I don't have a solid 15-30 minutes of alone time, it's doesn't count".  If you are a mother, you know that your children have a 6th sense to know when you are on the phone or sneaking to the bathroom.  They can be completely engaged in activities outside, your home is peaceful for a minute and as soon as you sit down, "MOM!" is shouted as the back door slams hard enough to rattle your teeth. It's uncanny!

The truth of the matter is, our whole day can be offered as a prayer.  I don't need complete silence to pray. I don't need 15 minutes.  Some of the most effective and heartfelt prayers I've uttered (possibly yelled)  in my day are simple one-liners like "Lord, have mercy" or "Jesus, I trust in You." I am so grateful that even in the constant noise that fills my home, that Jesus can hear me and is always listening, waiting for me and my hastily said prayers.  I pray that you and I remember this the next time we are in danger of falling into the trap of lies.

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"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)