Tuesday, June 04, 2013

In the Palm of My Hand

I imagine I can hear Jesus saying to me,  "Don't worry. I love you and I won't let go."

I've been praying the Novena to the Sacred Heart this week.  I love John-Paul and Annie over at praymorenovenas.com Their email reminders of novenas have helped me do just what they hoped for: pray more novenas.  Considering I couldn't remember to string two days together and consequently never finished a novena before they came along, I am grateful.  

Part of the novena to the Sacred Heart is to pray "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you."  This is something I find ridiculously easy to say and then promptly forget, especially in times of stress.  Last night, just as I was about to fall into a deep sleep,  I found myself 2 days behind on my novena.  I rallied my energy just long enough to pray Day 5 on Day 6 with the promise of doing double duty on Day 7.  (I am hoping that since God exists outside of time and space, He will understand.)  When I finished my prayer, I realized my need for constant reminders to remember to place (and keep) my trust in Jesus, so I made this picture to save as my lock screen on my iPhone (please use it as your own, if you like).  Anyone who knows me, knows my iPhone is always with me and I'm constantly checking it for social media, appointments and generally out of habit/boredom.  So now when I open it, I see this beautiful image of Jesus looking at me with those eyes that seem to say, "Don't worry, Mary. I love you and I won't let go."   I hope you like what I've done and, if you do, please make it your lock screen image, too. 

If you'd like to read a lovely reflection on the Sacred Heart, read Sarah Reinhard's post Finding Myself in His Sacred Heart on her blog SnoringScholar.

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"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)