Thursday, May 05, 2011

Small Successes (Vol 29)

My parish priest told me something the other day when I was lamenting my failures as a mother and a Christian.  For some reason it was a revolutionary thought, although I have always known it.

"God doesn't ask us to be successful. 
He asks us to be faithful."

I can't stop thinking about it and when I have more time, I will write down my thoughts.  If you write about this topic, I'd love to read it!

1.I'll start with an update that has been a couple weeks in coming.  You may remember that I mentioned I entered the Beachbody's Million Dollar Body Game and was waiting to see if I made it through to the next level of the contest: Facebook voting.   Well, I didn't.  My husband entered too. He's a skinny guy who got ripped in 90 days (gaining weight is harder than you might think for people like him). He didn't move on either.  But we tried and regardless of what contest officials decide the end result is that we are both healthier and fitter than we've been in our lives.  I am so proud of us that I am going to share our photos! You can see Kevin's before and after photos too (They are pretty AMAZING and worth the click!!)

Faithfulness to my exercise and nutrition plan (though sometimes I cheat) has got me to this point.  I am a coach (for free) so if you'd like help getting started, let me know.

2.  I passed my Turbo Kick Instructor training!  Now I just gotta learn the choreography and get some confidence and I can start instructing live classes.  That is so scary!!!

3.  I'm semi-caught up with the laundry.  That means it's clean and partially folded.  I guess this is a semi-success.  A success-in-progress.  But then again, aren't we all?

Stop by Faith and Family Live, where people just like you and me share out successes-in-progress.


  1. I came back so I could follow you ... I have to keep tabs on anyone who comments that the Colbert video is hilarious. Nice to meet you Mary!

  2. Hey there … I tagged you in a blog meme on A Life-Sized Catholic Blog. I had a lot of fun participating, and I’m looking forward to your responses too! Go to my blog and check it out. I had a ton of fun sharing my maybe not-so-conventional reasoning! I hope you'll play along!

  3. Sari (Sx3inSC)May 29, 2011

    Wow! Great photos Mary. You look GREAT!

    I have fallen off of my "wagon" - trying to recommit to taking care of me, carving out some "me" time each day.. - ..why is that SO hard??


"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)