Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Daybook


Outside my window...  is a cool, quiet evening.

I am thinking...  how glad I am that the kids are finally in bed and I can relax.

I am thankful for... a glass of red wine and the tv remote.

From the kitchen... did I mention the wine?  

I am wearing... a light blue scoop neck tee and gray fine gauge corduroy capri pants with boogers from being used as a Kleenex, macaroni and cheese smears, from being used as a napkin and hair conditioner from being used as a towel.  All these marks are at knee level.   Yes, I have a toddler.

I am creating... a happy life.

I am going... in many directions at once, one of them soon to be the couch.

I am reading... Harriet, the Hamster Fairy so my daughter and I can talk about it. It's our own personal bookclub.

I am hoping... for the rest of the week to pass quickly and bring my husband home.

I am hearing... killdeer chirping (?)

Around the house... is a remarkable lack of junk considering I have been on my own with 4 kids for the past 6 days.

One of my favorite things... meeting new people and making new friends.  Both of which are happening in my moms' group at church.  I can't deny that I am an extrovert through and through.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Well, ballet, soccer, soccer, birthday party, soccer and ice skating. Don't forget grocery shopping and gynecologist appointment.  Settle down now. You can't all be me.

Here is a picture thought for sharing... two kids, two teeth lost in two days.

Thank you, A Simple Woman's Daybook for allowing me to share some of my day!

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"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)