Thursday, August 19, 2010

Small Successes (Vol. 12)


1. Back-to-school preparations are nearing completion. I'm sure I forgot something, but as of now the house is relatively clean, the shoes and uniforms are in the closet, the hairs are cut and even the ballet uniforms and school sports forms are filled out! This is a pretty big deal for me because I have a strong tendency toward procrastination (just as my husband, my mom and every teacher I ever had).

2. P90X is still going strong. I'm in the last phase around day 70, I think. I was starting to get worried about the school year interfering with my morning workout schedule when my most wonderful husband suggested that, as long as I'm done by 7:15 to help pack lunches and fix hair, he would get the kids up, dressed and fed!  Is that a good man or what?

3.  Toward the goal of being done with my workout by 7:15, I've had to commit to getting up earlier.  Several of the days include 15 minute Ab Ripper X at the end which puts me behind schedule.  I've started setting the alarm earlier and earlier.  Today, I had such an upsetting dream that I woke up at 5:15.  I couldn't shake the dreadful feeling so I decided to get up at 5:30.  It was nice being done before 7:00!  Did you know that it is pitch black outside at 5:30 in the morning? 

By the way, as long as you're here, please stop by to read  my latest post: Mary Comes Clean, Sort Of.  It might make you smile.
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that. To share yours, click here.


  1. P90X, I am in awe, but my kids are so little now, I know I won't make the commitment in the immediate future!

  2. You had a great week!! 5:30? Oh my Lord!! Only or rare occasions can I do that!! You go girl!!

  3. I only get up at 5:30 if I'm in labor. ;-) Amazing!

  4. Wow! You have been working hard!

    About my tabletop trick: We laid some shelf liner (that sort of rubbery mesh stuff) on the "real" table to keep the board from sliding around. That, plus teh weight of the board itself, keeps it from tipping. I've got about 14" hanging over each end, and we haven't had a problem.

  5. Amazed you can get up that early!

  6. Great job! What a wonderful man, to encourage you & help out on your P90X journey!

  7. Your bonus success should be choosing a man who is willing to help out like that :) Great job sticking with your routine!

  8. You really have won bragging rights this week, and well beyond. Way to go to commit to getting up early to stick to your routine. I am frequently up early, and I can get so much done while it is quiet.

  9. This is a FANTASTIC list! I too am up at % to workout. It's the only time I have. Now if I weren't such a night owl t would be easier. Keep up the good work!

  10. I'm seriously so impressed with your dedication to P90X! That's outrageously intense and quite inspiring. Thanks for the updates, and keep it up! About 3 more weeks to go, eh?

  11. Kansas Mom, hahhaha!

    Thank you all so much for your encouragement. It helps me tremendously!

    I 4 have kids age 1-8 which is why I get up to do P90X early because there is no other time in my day. I am a night owl too, so it is a major sacrifice on both ends of my day. But the reason I keep getting up is because I am seeing results, otherwise, I would NEVER do such a crazy thing as get up before the sun!

    I did choose well. He's a great husband!


"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)