Thursday, July 15, 2010

Small Successes (Vol.7)

Small Successes is hosted at Faith and Family Live.  Click the button above to read more or to share your own!

Let's get to it!
1.  This week I have amped up my decluttering mission. Focus #1 the Kitchen Desk, aka Mount Vesuvius!  As soon as I saw that desk when the realtor first showed us the house I knew it was going to be a junk collector.  No matter how many times I have excavated that work sight it has inevitably been reburied with miscellaneous crapola within the week.  This time, my genius idea included not only clearing it out, but putting big decorations in it's place.  It's been 3 days and no piles have accumulated yet! (I would like to say that those piles pictured above are what covered this desk, in fact, all of that was "sorted" by kid into the plastic trays, so that was not even "on" the desk) (shame).

2.  Having returned to my exercise routine this week, I have discovered that I actually like it!  No one is more shocked than me.  Getting up at 6 a.m. to exercise?   I came to this realization after a combination of vacation eating and sloth and then missing a workout I intended to get in earlier this week.  I felt out-of-sorts all day.  I am coming to the realization that I need to start my day with exercise and prayer. (The prayer is offering up the sacrifice of my sleep). 

3.  The tie-dye t-shirts I made that my kids are wearing in the title picture of this blog were featured on the website I got the idea from: Catholic Icing.  If you haven't been to that website, you are really missing out!   Lacy collects Catholic crafts from all over the internet and features them on her blog.  What a time saver!  I used to search for hours for craft ideas to do with my kids to help them learn their Catholic faith.  Now, I just go on over to Lacy's. (Time saving is always a success)


  1. It's wonderful you've discovered that getting up early works better for your exercise routine.

    This is my plan for exercise and work, too, but I haven't started yet. You've encouraged me to get up at 6 tomorrow morning!

  2. Early morning exercise is awesome! I am up at 5:30. Now the only trick is to be in bed by 10pm the night before so i can actually function. LOL! I pray your successes continue!

  3. Wow!! 6am workouts? You rock!! WOW!!!

  4. I'm getting to the point of "just DO it" with exercise. I know it makes me feel better, I know it makes me healthier, I know it would increase my strength and willpower (all the same things for prayer), and yet I still resist for no good reason. Each week I keep coming back to see if Tony Horton is on your list of weekly successes and each week it's a "yes." Your dedication is inspiring me to get with it :-D.

    Congrats on a great week, and thanks for stickin' with it!

  5. If there is anything I understand, it's procrastination. Exercise is one of those things that I have to make myself do and the sooner the better. I can't trust myself not to come up with an excuse to skip it, so I have to suck it up and do it first thing. It's been a blessing. I encourage each of you to "Just Do It" as Farmer's city Wife says. Eventually, hopefully, you won't hate it. P90X is a great one, if you're thinking about a program. I really love it.

  6. I like how you tackled the desk clutter situation.

  7. The desk looks great! Nice solution to the problem.


"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)