Thursday, June 24, 2010

Small Successes (Vol 4)


1. I survived Vacation Bible School again!  Don't get me wrong, I love it.  I have a great time with all these little guys and I get to dust off my teacher voice.  But it is exhausting!  This year VBS coincided with Safety Town, so the week was tremendously busy.  In the end, it was a wonderful week. My kids had a great time and my students learned a lot about God.

2.   Well, this isn't really a success, but I'll share it anyway.  My birthday was a couple weeks ago and my husband surprised me by arranging a babysitter and inviting a couple of good friends to celebrate my birthday.  This is a huge improvement from last year when he thought it was a great idea to take me and the kids to Chuck E. Cheese on a Saturday afternoon. This year he redeemed himself by taking me to dinner at an Irish Pub (post World Cup USA vs England which made for a lively atmosphere) and then to a comedy club. Maybe it is a success because I married such a good man who tries to please me.

3.  It's been a very busy month! I just realized that I also spent a whole week without Kevin while he went  fly fishing in the Adirondacks.  Why is this a success?  Well, I'll tell you.  He left me home alone with 4 kids on the first week of summer vacation, before I had my summer legs, and not only did we make it, we had a fantastic time.  We had trips to the zoo and the pool.  The kids planned the whole weeks menu, so there was no fussing at dinnertime.  They stayed up late, I got up early to exercise. In the past whenever Kevin has left for whatever reason, I always seemed like I wasn't going to make it and feel so lonely in the evenings I could barely stand it.  This time, I really enjoyed myself while he was gone and was so happy to see him when he got back.


  1. FANTASTIC successes. I'm so inspired and impressed! Thanks for sharing them!!

  2. Love that you enjoyed yourself while your husband was away. Mine is leaving for a business trip soon and I am dreading it. I guess I need to make a plan to keep busy! Thanks for sharing.


"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)