Friday, June 25, 2010

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 1)

Tonight is an exciting event for the family:  Open House at the Arena for the NHL draft.  They are going to have free ice skating, street hockey on the arena floor, free t-shirts, autographs and locker room tours.  Now, can I keep the desire to go all the way until 5:00 this evening?

I've been so pleasantly surprised to receive comments on my blog this week from people who are not related to me!  It's so exciting to see that someone has read and enjoyed my writing enough to make a comment.  If you are a blogger, then you know what I'm talking about.  I don't have a lot of time to spend on this blog but I have big dreams!

I've remembered to put an apron on every day this week- before oil splattered on me.  I am so sick of grease stained bellies on my shirts!  So the apron has made me feel very domestic and kept my clothes clean!  If I remember for another 2 weeks, I'm going to order an adorable vintage style from someone on Etsy.  I love aprons.  Is that dorky? I don't care!


I love Band-Aid Activ-flex bandages.  As anyone who's familiar with me knows, I'm dangerous with a blade.  I shaved off some of my left index finger (again) while cutting down the overgrown cilantro plants outside.    These Band- Aids are waterproof and multi-day use, so one heals the cut.  Love them! (Read about the Butterfinger Adventures here).  This is a photo from attempting to slice off the tip of my index finger and, later in the week, snipping the webbing of my hand with kitchen shears.


I think I'm going to look into making those wire pokey things that buildings have to keep birds off of the rafters.  I'm going to use them for clutter control on my counter top.  Threat of a puncture wound might deter the offenders (myself included, sadly).

 Hey, I'm actually reading a book for pleasure!  Laurie Notaro's There's a (Slight) Chance I Might be Going to Hell ( can't find the underline button, so...).  Don't be alarmed.  It's funny.

We'll be visiting Kevin's parents in Kansas City, MO soon.  Haven't been there since my 4-year-old was baby.  The kids are under the impression that Gramma and Papa live at Disney World as they keep asking if they can ride the Monorail at their house. Mmm. Uh-oh.

Be sure to click over to Jennifer at Conversion Diary to see more and better Quick Takes, or grab your own Mr. Linky for your blog.


  1. Found you through Catholic Mothers Online's New Blog Roll. Had to check you out: with a title like that, I knew you had to have a great sense of humor!
    Am now following.

  2. Thanks, Mary. I hope you enjoy my posts.I appreciate the follow. I'm flattered!


"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." ~Colossians 4:6 (NASB)